Why do we use crystals?

There has been a significant relationship between people and crystals through the centuries. There is documented usage of crystals in ceremonies and rituals as far back as ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, pre-Common Era Egypt, and more. Some poets and authors during the Middle Ages used imagery of crystals in their writings. Aside from being commonly viewed as an embodiment of purity and perfection, crystals have also used by some as a way to examine desire and the uncertainty of love. Crystals were often used in religious contexts, especially in Christian churches where it was used to decorate Gospel books and other important religious items.

Crystal usage today involves the application of crystals or gemstones to facilitate spiritual, emotional, or even physical healing. Gemstones house spiritual and healing properties that can be tapped into a variety of ways. Crystals can be carried or worn on the person, or placed in a location where their healing vibrations can be felt by whoever is nearby.

Learn more below about some of the basic crystals used today in providing spiritual and emotional growth, change, and peace.

Crystal Shapes

  • Raw Crystals

    Raw crystals and stones are unprocessed minerals found in the Earth’s crust. They show unique shapes, from small to super-large, with natural indentations, marks, and dust. Raw stones have a natural connection with the aura and spirit of the user. They amplify potential and raw energies .

  • Tumbled Crystals

    Small chunks of stone are tumble polished to give them a smooth and shiny surface. The form is irregular and sizes vary but generally they are smaller stones. This form is all-purpose and radiates energy gently in lots of directions. Tumble Stones are so versatile they can be used for carrying on you, placed in bags, in bowls around the home, placed directly on the body or chakras and are ideal for all types of crystal grids. They are more affordable than other forms and a good place to start with a new type of crystal.

  • Crystal Pyramids

    Pyramids have four triangular sides and a square base. Pyramids both anchor and direct energies. They stabilise the energies of the earth while enhancing and projecting energies out the apex. Pyramids work well when placed around the home.

  • Crystal Towers

    Towers can be stones cut into a Crystal Point shape or a natural Crystal Point which is cut at the base to allow it to stand up. Like all points, they direct and focus energies out the termination point. Carved Standing Crystal Points are often cut into Generator Point shapes so they help amplify energy and our intentions. They can be used to raise the vibration of location. Place them on your altar or within any sacred space. Standing Crystal Points are good for gridding the corners of a room or your home.

  • Crystal Spheres

    A Crystal Sphere is cut and polished to be perfectly round. Spheres radiate energy smoothly and evenly in all directions. They can also slow down and neutralise harmful or unbalanced energies. They are connected to the Earth, other Planets or the Moon.

  • Crystal Clusters

    Crystal clusters are one of the most beautiful occurrences in nature. A cluster happens when many points form on the same matrix. Because a cluster has so many points, it is believed to vibrate a higher energy. Having a cluster in your home or space will ensure that it remains elevated with the energy you want to cultivate.

Basic Crystals for Beginners

  • Clear Quartz

    With this crystal, it’s all about clarity, light, reflection, and amplification. The Clear Quartz crystal healing properties allow anyone connected to the stone to become as clear as their crystal. Whether you are manifesting, making decisions, or simply clearing out your mental inbox, a Clear Quartz crystal is an essential.

  • Selenite

    Of all the crystals available, few are better for clearing energy than selenite. Selenite is a variety of the mineral gypsum, named after Selene, the goddess of the moon in Greek mythology. Selenite inspires a profound peace and carries a fine, high frequency and intensity of energy that surpasses nearly all stones for opening and clearing energies.

  • Jade

    Crystals that are rich in culture and folklore don’t come much more well known than Jade. Its connection to the Aztecs and to Ancient China are well documented, and there has been mythology surrounding this stone for thousands of years. Yet that reputation for protection, inspiration, motivation and healing that Jade has is just as accurate today. Jade offers wisdom and abundance to those willing to work with its energies, and it can open your eyes to the innate duality of life.

  • Labradorite

    It seems like all the mystical and ethereal colors you could imagine swirl into shapes within a piece of Labradorite. The many colors of this stone, especially its blues and greens, show how it brings harmony to multiple chakras, such as the throat and heart chakras. This crystal amplifies your psychic energies and your spiritual connectedness. This means that meditation undertaken with this crystal is often much more vivid, and a piece of this stone beneath your pillow inspires colorful, insightful dreams at night.

  • Lapis Lazuli

    The high vibrations of Lapis Lazuli make it a crystal that is very appealing to anyone wanting to fast track their spiritual growth. Of course, there are no real shortcuts to enlightenment, but there are certainly ways to boost your receptiveness to divine guidance, and this stone is one such way. This crystal promotes a clear mind, as well as openness and honesty in your communication. It helps you to connect higher ideas and thoughts with more mundane principles of living, and see your physical and spiritual selves as two halves of the same whole.

  • Moonstone

    With its creamy appearance and its otherworldly texture, Moonstone is a crystal that has often been sought by those looking to expand their visions beyond what’s possible on this world alone. In tarot and astrology, the moon is associated with secret feelings and hidden intentions, although not necessarily cruel ones – and the same is often true of this crystal.

  • Fluorite

    Fluorite crystal carries in its wonderfully intricate designs the spiritual qualities of symmetry, beauty, lucid dreams, and even genius. Its name comes from the Latin word fluor, meaning “flow,” but today, it is used to describe the crystal’s fluorescence – its ability to glow under ultraviolet light. Throughout history, Fluorite has been one of the most prized of all crystals and, to this day, remains one of the most sought after stones due to its rarity, unbelievable colors, and designs. By using this crystal, whether in meditation, on your body, or resting on your altar, it will usher in new dimensions of beauty and harmony in your life in a way that few have ever experienced.

  • Garnet

    Garnet is most popular for being a rich red color, and similarly, this crystal can awaken red hot passion. This isn’t just steered towards love, though, but also passion for anything else in life that you love – art, work, fitness, or hobbies. Garnet helps to encourage you to make the most of every day, and it can help to heal you physically so you have the health and energy to do just that.

  • Amethyst

    Amethyst has been highly esteemed throughout the ages for its stunning beauty and legendary powers to stimulate, and soothe, the mind and emotions. It is a semi-precious stone in today’s classifications, but to the ancients, it was a “Gem of Fire"; a precious stone worth, at times in history, as much as a diamond.

  • Citrine

    Its pale yellow color gives this crystal its name, Citrine, coming from the French citron, meaning lemon. But apart from its literal meaning, it also has a deep spiritual meaning. The spiritual meaning of Citrine is its yellow hues symbolizing the spiritual qualities of joy, abundance, and transmutation. Like a refreshing glass of lemonade, Citrine can bring a quick, energetic pick-me-up to those who use it with diligence and respect.

  • Rose Quartz

    This stone also encourages the emotions that go had in hand with love, such as kindness and forgiveness. If you are looking to heal differences of opinion, or rifts in otherwise close relationships, this crystal can really help out. This crystal is not only symbolic of romance, but also the love of family, of one’s career, or even love of life itself. If you’ve been feeling down of late, this influence is very much appreciated!

  • Carnelian

    The vibrant orange of Carnelian might look like the warmth of sunset, but this is one stone that will leave you anything but tired. There is a strong undercurrent of vitality and creativity to this stone that perks you up and electrifies your mind with ideas and ambitions.

  • Howlite

    If you struggle to keep the flames of heated emotions under control, Howlite is a wonderful companion to have. This rock is said to profoundly affect one’s psyche, creating a wash of calm that can talk you down from the emotional ledge. It’s a master negotiator, forcing you to reflect on your thoughts and actions. At its essence, the main Howlite meaning is all about calming patience and newfound perspective. Rather than allowing your gut instincts to take over, the properties and meaning of Howlite encourage you to take a step back to reflect. Ruled by the calming energy of Mother Earth, the stone is incredibly grounding and has a knack for cooling even the hottest embers of fiery emotions.

  • Sodalite

    Sodalite is, in many ways, one of the great equalizers of the crystal world. If you are feeling so negative that you just can’t motivate yourself to make any changes to your life – or so inflated with positive emotions that your feet never touch the ground – Sodalite brings everything into equilibrium. However, Sodalite is also strongly linked to psychic energies, and to attuning yourself to your most profound intuitive insights. Sodalite has become a very popular stone for meditation because of this, and that means that you’ll be able to experience new insights through these journeys into the self.

  • Green Adventurine

    Green Aventurine provides strength, confidence, courage, and happiness. It renews one’s optimism for life and pushes us to take action to acquire what we want in this world. This stone urges one to get out of their comfort zone and take on new opportunities. Allow this stone to take you on an adventure and help you grow as an individual. Green Aventurine is here to keep your emotional body calm when trying things that may be uncomfortable at first. Those nervous butterflies in your stomach will be replaced by an ever burning fire that is eager to burn. This crystal is here to help you enjoy life while sharing your energy and experiences with those closest to you.

  • Tiger's Eye

    Befitting the name, leave it to Tiger’s Eye to be the stone you need when it’s time to feel courageous. It awakens a braver side of you, but it does so in a way that isn’t superficial. That’s because self esteem and a deeper insight into yourself – your strengths and your weaknesses – is the kind of energy that Tiger’s Eye offers. Confidence comes from just these kinds of insights, and so it’s only natural you’ll be braver for coming to terms with these sides of yourself.

  • Obsidian

    Thanks to its black color and overall luster, Obsidian is a crystal that is very evocative and mysterious. However, as with many black crystals, the principle energies at work in this stone are protective ones. If you often feel bowled over by the strong personalities of others, or otherwise have a difficult time overcoming boisterous people, this crystal can not only keep you safe, but also help you to speak your mind. However, Obsidian is also a stone of self reflection, and it will coax you to examine and work on the imperfections within you that you’d otherwise not face up to.

  • Pyrite

    You likely already know that Pyrite is often called Fool’s Gold, but don’t let its comparative lack of monetary value fool you! In fact, this crystal is an excellent companion for helping you to find your own fortune, and to embrace the ideas you need for that. Pyrite also encourages self reflection though, and by spending time with the stone, you will come to learn the traits about yourself that aren’t serving your higher cause.